Higher States

What if God is just a vast systematization of data? How could he not be.

Higher States
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Underlying this investigation is the possibility to move closer to the kind of power a god has. Not explicitly for myself, but for anyone - groups or individuals - to rework their perspective of the spectrum that time and production inhabit together.
In the next hour, how much progress is made towards the goals we have. Should we work harder and strain more, grind harder, multitask? Should we just buy more humans to work for us - is that the most efficient way? Should we hire Tony Robbins to tell us how to think better? How much does Tony know about buying humans and efficiency.
Cloning would be nice, and is actually a great option. As long as you know that your clones will perform in the way you expect them to and not try to use their newfound agency to escape and embrace the hedonism you’ve already selfishly enjoyed for much of your life.
Would God work harder to get more done? Would he stay up later and wake up earlier? Does God use Adderall to get an edge?
The concept of the God or a god looks like magic doesn’t it. God can make anything happen at will. How about if for now we try to boil that idea down to something remotely logic-based and structured, as a thought exercise.
Let’s say God is a machine that is immensely complex beyond our comprehension and that all matter, all consciousness, all ideas, and thoughts we think we are independently generating in our minds are, in fact, a part of this machine. For the sake of entertainment, let’s say that it’s a universal, integrated mystery school for our consciousnesses.
Then God’s goal is simple - create the virtual environments needed to provide the situations conducive to the lessons which may be learnt. This should also happen with as little cognitive throughput from him as possible, as the complexity of managing the lessons of all consciousnesses in tandem would be inefficient to say the least.
The manipulation of possibilities is a manipulation of events and conditions, and to do that in the linear fashion that most humans work, God would need to wrangle one other God for each consciousness being guided through their cosmic mystery school journey - to watch, assess, react, and create. To manipulate the possibilities.
But God isn’t like us, in any way at all. Linear operations can’t lead to the performance of miracles.
Our universe’s power could likely be the power to spin up mechanizations as needed, supporting each lesson being subconsciously undertaken. A system that animates itself, that has a task to perform, that is no longer manually driven by a God or many gods, but that nonetheless achieves an equal or superior outcome to that of some entity being in command of the same processes.
What if the magic we believe God accesses at will to do anything he wants is simply driven by this profound principle - the universe itself is an infinitely complex network of interlocking mechanizations, each one precisely tuned, each one eternally optimizing.