{A, B} ≠ ∅ → {A, B}

Sometimes we need concrete events to see the concrete importance of certain concrete ideas

{A, B} ≠ ∅ → {A, B}
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Many people want to change the world.

Real Change

Most think they want to have an impact and create change, but what they actually want is more nuanced - they want real change, but don’t understand the difference between the two.

Real Change is Needed

On an individual level, it’s a personal desire - to satisfy the desire for meaning and purpose. On all larger scales - local, national, global, real change is a need and is needed precisely because of the nightmarish implications of the alternative case materializing on our horizon.

Real Change is Needed. It’s Created

The hard part isn’t feeling the need for some kind of profound change to the order of things, or considering some of the ways this could come about and what the new state of things could look like. The hard part is manifestation - through continual, concerted, long-term, aligned efforts that snowball into the creation of the desired new state.

Real Change is Needed. It’s Created by Controlling Outcomes

The scope of mechosophy is industry-less, borderless, application-less. Fundamentally, mechanizations are simply the effective control of outcomes. What is the outcome you want? Someone will build a thing to make that happen, or you can, or we can together.
In dire times, such power becomes an obvious necessity for people with the desire for not just change, but real change, and who know the difference between the two.
Going past Go is change. Conjuring arbitrary control of the game parameters is real change. And if you can manifest your own version of the game, or dutifully collect as you go past Go, it is not simply an option, but an obligation, to take both A and B, to preserve this attitude carefully, and to focus transfixedly on the levers that lead to real change - so as not arrive too late.
When the enemy shows you their teeth, if you choose not to adjust your priorities and strategies according to this new information then you have tacitly consented to the future outcomes enacted upon you.